Are you ready to run?
Yes, you read that correctly. We want you to run. Yes, we know that here at Master Spas we’re more about the water than pounding the pavement but today is Global Running Day, and we want to celebrate.
Global Running Day is a worldwide celebration of running and movement. The initiative encourages anyone and everyone to run a lap, go for a walk, or play in the park.
And while we think those are great things, there’s another way to log a run without lacing up your shoes.
A swim spa from Master Spas offers a space to walk, jog, or run against a water current that you choose. Water running can be a great way for runners to cross train without putting extra stress on the body. It’s also a popular method of working through or recovering from an injury.
However, water running can also be a great way for beginner exercisers to add some intensity to their workouts — and keep them interesting.
In honor of Global Running Day, which is June 5, 2019, we are sharing some of our favorite water running workouts.

Benefits of Water Running
Aqua jogging, or water running as it is also called, is a beneficial form of exercise. Researchers have studied how it can help sedentary individuals to elite runners.
Here’s why you should try it:
- Aqua jogging can improve aerobic capacity
- Aqua jogging burns more calories than land running, up to an extra 3 calories a minute. It doesn’t sound impressive but when you look at the length of your workout, the additional burn adds up. When you do a 30-minute workout, that translates to almost an additional 100 calories.
- Water’s buoyancy offers a low-impact environment that does not stress the joints.
- It’s a total body workout, encouraging you to use your legs, arms, and core.
- An article in the Journal of Obesity reported that after six weeks in an aqua jogging program, participants saw improvements in body composition, aerobic fitness, and quality of life. And all of that was without changing their diets.

5 Aqua Jogging Workouts for Your Swim Spa
Just like land-based running, you can add interest to your workout by changing the duration and intensity. With select swim spa models from Master Spas, you can program a workout to change the strength of the current at select intervals. It’s similar to using a treadmill to change the speed of the belt or using one of the program buttons.
However, you will have to focus on your effort rather than a pace. Think about what feels easy, moderate, hard, and all out. More than that, it’s all about doing a workout that feels good and makes you feel empowered.
Quick tip: Form is key. Make sure to keep an upright posture with core and buttocks muscles engaged.
15-Minute Aqua Jogging Workout
5 minutes at an easy pace to warm up
2 minutes moderate
1 minute hard
2 minutes moderate
5 minutes easy to cool down
20-Minute Aqua Jogging Workout
5 minutes at an easy pace to warm up
1 minute moderate
1 minute easy
1 minute moderate
1 minute hard
2 minutes easy
2 minutes moderate
2 minutes hard
5 minutes easy to cool down
30-Minute Aqua Jogging Workout
5 minutes at an easy pace to warm up
Repeat the following 10 times:
90 seconds easy
30 seconds hard
5 minutes easy to cool down
45-Minute Aqua Jogging Workout
5 minutes at an easy pace to warm up
Repeat the following 5 times:
5 minutes moderate to moderate-hard
2 minutes easy
5 minutes easy to cool down
60-Minute Aqua Jogging Workout
5 minutes at an easy pace to warm up
5 minutes moderate
5 minutes easy
5 minutes hard
4 minutes moderate
4 minutes easy
4 minutes hard
3 minutes moderate
3 minutes easy
3 minutes hard
2 minutes moderate
2 minutes easy
2 minutes hard
1 minute moderate
1 minute easy
1 minute hard
10 minutes easy to cool down
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