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Your best summer starts now! Installing a swim spa

Facebook Lives

Facebook Live: February 23, 2022

A Master Spas swim spa can be used year-round. But when is the best time to buy and install a swim spa. If you want to soak up the sun this summer while relaxing in a spa, it's time to start your swim spa journey. In this Facebook Live video, swim spa specialists Ben Gilliam and Mari Cuticelli discuss the best time to buy a swim spa. Plus, they answer some of the most frequently answered questions.

Homeowners might wonder when they should invest in a swim spa. The best time to buy can often depend on a few factors, including the timeline of the backyard project, financing, and custom features.

However, for people who want to spend the summer in the spa, it's time to start your buying journey.

Late winter and early spring is the best time to buy a swim spa for the summer. Buying during this time will give the manufacturer time to build the spa. In addition, you can work with a contractor to pour the concrete pad or reinforce your deck.

There's more to consider than the time of year when buying a swim spa. Among the factors to think about:

  • Why you want a swim spa
  • How you will use the swim-in-place pool
  • The energy efficiency and materials
  • Manufacturer

Master Spas swim spas are made at its state-of-the-art campus in Indiana. Designed to be energy efficient and easy-to-use, they are made with premium components for the best swim spa experience.