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Managing the Holidays

Facebook Lives

Facebook Live — May 7, 2020

The added stress of the holidays can lead to anxiety, depression, headaches, body aches, irritability, and sleeplessness.

According to the American Psychological Association, 38 percent of people report an increase in stress levels over the holidays. Lack of time, money, and the pressure to buy the perfect present are among the lead stressors.

In this video, Ben and Mari talk about how you can use the swim spa over the holidays — without adding to the festive stress.

Managing Holiday Stress Tips:

Plan ahead and organize your schedule. The season can be full of commitments, from parties to PTA meetings. Be honest with yourself about what is expected of you and what you expect from others. Write down any must-attend events on your calendar, which will give you a feel of what the holidays will look like.

Prioritize exercise, which will help with sleep and stress. A regular exercise routine is one of the easiest ways to manage the demands of the season.

Consider working out in the morning. Activities are often in the evening. While it can take some adjustment, a morning workout can help you start your day off on the right foot.

Schedule time for relaxation and to soak in the spa. Sometimes the key to managing holiday stress is to slow down. Make sure you have empty blocks on your schedule where you can take time for you.

Enjoy the time with your family. The holiday season might be bustling but one of the great joys is spending time with family. And, if needed, lean on them when you need help.

Other tips:

Reward yourself for sticking to the plan or reaching a goal

Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water